Reardon Operations - Talwood, QLD
A new cotton development, in a paddock with gullies and washouts, metre deep holes, 6 tractors and laser buckets and 1 scraper, working alongside other earthmoving contractors who are building a new storage dam and channels with their scrapers (and sharing roads), to convert it into a cotton field with bankless channels, takes knowledge, patience and skill - something that we have plenty of!!
Watching the weather is a main part of the earthmoving business and watch it we did in this job!! With the months of April, May and June 2016 forecast to be one of the wettest on record, we opened up fields as needed and tried to finish the bulking and then the grading as soon as possible.
After working big hours and big days, this ended up being one of the driest jobs that we have ever done and we actually needed rain to break the clods down!! (You can never win.) We ended up getting the big rain with four (4) HOURS TO GO!! Hopefully it will be finished in the coming weeks.
A big thank you to Joe Walsh, Tristam Hertslet and Robert Reardon for their support and co-operation during this job. It went off without a hitch (apart from the 4 hours left) and the management team made that all possible. A big thank you goes to "little John" for being a fabulous ripper driver!!
Watching the weather is a main part of the earthmoving business and watch it we did in this job!! With the months of April, May and June 2016 forecast to be one of the wettest on record, we opened up fields as needed and tried to finish the bulking and then the grading as soon as possible.
After working big hours and big days, this ended up being one of the driest jobs that we have ever done and we actually needed rain to break the clods down!! (You can never win.) We ended up getting the big rain with four (4) HOURS TO GO!! Hopefully it will be finished in the coming weeks.
A big thank you to Joe Walsh, Tristam Hertslet and Robert Reardon for their support and co-operation during this job. It went off without a hitch (apart from the 4 hours left) and the management team made that all possible. A big thank you goes to "little John" for being a fabulous ripper driver!!